Our Travel

Hi, We are Dan and Meghan, or Two Traveling After One. We are a couple of middle-aged (fast approaching senior) empty nesters who have been full-time nomads since our one child left for college. Hopefully, you now understand our name, Two Traveling after One. In our pre-nomad lives, Meghan was a librarian and technology specialist, and Dan was a business consultant. We loved our jobs but were not following our passions and missing out on fully experiencing the world.

How We Began a Nomadic Life

We have always loved traveling and have taken as many vacations as possible over the years. We both have parents who passed away at a young age, and the experience was life-changing for us both.

When our daughter was a freshman in High School, we made the decision that now was the time to break away and start traveling full-time once she left for college.

At first, accomplishing our dream seemed daunting and filled with roadblocks and doubt.


We spent the next 3 years researching, planning, cleaning, freaking out, researching, getting feedback from everyone, more researching, and more cleaning out to prepare for full-time travel with no home base.

When high school graduation came, the last of our stuff went. We closed the door to our condo one last time and rolled off with six bags: a carry-on, a checked bag, and a backpack each. We now know…more bags than we needed.

Where Are We Now?

Since that first time we rolled off with our bags, we have changed our minds about how many are too many bags, but we have not changed our minds about full-time travel.

We have had countless adventures and new experiences and accumulated unbelievable amounts of information and photos; let’s not forget the photos. Who is to say 100,000 is too many photos on your phone?

To keep up with where we are right now, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Travel has transformed us. Thanks to the wonders we’ve seen and explored, we’ve become more adaptable, resilient, and open-minded. We can’t wait to keep exploring this beautiful world and hope you will join us!

Get In Touch

If you ever have any questions, comments or ideas for content that you would like to see, email us. We’ll always reply and look forward to connecting with you!

To follow our latest adventures – Subscribe and be notified when a new blog comes out!

Why Are We Creating All Ths Content?

In a few words, we want to help people by sharing our knowledge with empty nesters and seniors interested in traveling more and looking for comprehensive information.

Every time we meet new people, they have so many questions for us: from how we get mail to what our favorite place is and what we do with cell phones, to how much we spend, and how they can become nomads. 

These conversations made us realize there was an interest in learning more about nomadic life, everything we have learned, and all the places we visit.

Our goal is to provide blog posts, videos, newsletters, guides, and more about everything from the logistics of becoming a nomad and the best gear, accommodations, and activities we’ve found to itineraries for destinations and insider tips. 

To continue to support our travels, we use affiliate links in our content and advertising, provide unique subscriber-only content, offer one-on-one travel advice and itineraries, and offer downloadable products.

Why Follow Us?

  • You want the knowledge of having spent countless hours researching a destination the inside tips to uncover a place’s hidden gems… all without having to spend countless hours researching.


  • You want to learn more about destinations and slow travel after your children leave the nest from expert travelers. 


  • You’re already a nomad or exploring being a full-time nomad and looking for resources and answers to your burning questions.


  • You’re looking for information about a destination from someone who has actually spent some time there. 

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